The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and the Odisha Payment of Bonus Rules: Comprehensive Guide and Calculation


The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 is a significant piece of labour legislation in India that mandates the payment of bonuses to employees in various establishments. This Act ensures that employees receive a share in the prosperity of the establishment, thereby motivating them to work efficiently and enhance productivity. The Odisha Payment of Bonus Rules supplement the central Act, providing specific guidelines for implementation within the state of Odisha. This article provides an extensive overview of the Act and the Odisha Rules, explains the bonus calculation method, and answers frequently asked questions to assist employers and employees in understanding their rights and obligations under these provisions.

Overview of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

Purpose and Applicability

The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 aims to ensure that employees receive a statutory bonus based on their performance and the profitability of the establishment. It applies to factories and other establishments where 20 or more persons are employed on any day during an accounting year.

Key Definitions

  • Bonus: A payment made to employees as a reward for their service and a share in the company’s profits.
  • Employee: Any person (other than an apprentice) employed on wages, including skilled, semi-skilled, or unskilled manual, supervisory, managerial, administrative, technical, or clerical work.
  • Accounting Year: The financial year beginning on the 1st of April and ending on the 31st of March.

Eligibility Criteria

An employee is eligible for a bonus if:

  • They have worked in the establishment for at least 30 working days in that accounting year.
  • They earn a salary or wage not exceeding INR 21,000 per month.

Minimum and Maximum Bonus

  • Minimum Bonus: The Act mandates a minimum bonus of 8.33% of the salary or wage earned by the employee during the accounting year or INR 100, whichever is higher.
  • Maximum Bonus: The maximum bonus payable is 20% of the salary or wage earned by the employee during the accounting year.

Formula for Bonus Calculation

The bonus is calculated based on the profits of the establishment and the salary of the employee. The formula for calculating the bonus is:
Bonus = Salary/Wage x (Minimum Percentage / 100)

Example Calculation

For an employee with a monthly salary of INR 15,000, who has worked the entire year:

  • Minimum Bonus:
    Bonus = 15,000 x 8.33 / 100
    Bonus = INR 1,249.50 per month
    Annual Bonus = INR 1,249.50 x 12 = INR 14,994

  • Maximum Bonus:
    Bonus = 15,000 x 20 / 100
    Bonus = INR 3,000 per month
    Annual Bonus = INR 3,000 x 12 = INR 36,000

Odisha Payment of Bonus Rules

The Odisha Payment of Bonus Rules are supplementary regulations to the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, ensuring its effective implementation in Odisha. These rules outline additional procedural requirements and compliance norms specific to the state.

Salient Features of the Odisha Rules

  • Forms and Declarations: Employers in Odisha must use specific forms for declaring and distributing bonuses, including:

    • Form A: Annual Return
    • Form B: Register of Allocable Surplus
    • Form C: Register of Set-off and Set-on
    • Form D: Register of Bonus
    • Form E: Bonus Payment Receipts
  • Submission of Returns: Employers are required to submit annual returns to the prescribed authority, detailing the bonus paid to employees.

  • Compliance and Inspections: The state government appoints inspectors to ensure compliance with the Act and Rules. Employers must maintain records and registers as specified and produce them during inspections.

  • Penalties for Non-Compliance: Employers failing to comply with the provisions may face penalties, including fines and imprisonment, to enforce adherence to the regulations.

Detailed Bonus Calculation

Factors Affecting Bonus Calculation

Several factors influence the calculation of bonus:

  • Profitability of the Establishment: The allocable surplus, calculated as per the Act, determines the quantum of bonus payable.
  • Salary/Wages of the Employee: The bonus is calculated based on the salary or wages earned by the employee during the accounting year.
  • Attendance and Performance: Employees must have worked for at least 30 days in the accounting year to be eligible for the bonus.

Illustrative Examples

Example 1: An employee with a monthly salary of INR 10,000 who has worked for the entire year.

Minimum Bonus:
Bonus = 10,000 x 8.33 / 100
Bonus = INR 833 per month
Annual Bonus = INR 833 x 12 = INR 9,996

Maximum Bonus:
Bonus = 10,000 x 20 / 100
Bonus = INR 2,000 per month
Annual Bonus = INR 2,000 x 12 = INR 24,000

Example 2: An employee with a monthly salary of INR 18,000 who has worked for 10 months in the year.

Minimum Bonus:
Bonus = 18,000 x 8.33 / 100
Bonus = INR 1,499.40 per month
Total Bonus = INR 1,499.40 x 10 = INR 14,994

Maximum Bonus:
Bonus = 18,000 x 20 / 100
Bonus = INR 3,600 per month
Total Bonus = INR 3,600 x 10 = INR 36,000

Special Cases

  • New Employees: New employees who have not completed the full year of service will receive a pro-rata bonus based on the number of days they have worked.
  • Seasonal Establishments: In seasonal establishments, where work is carried out only during a part of the year, the bonus is calculated based on the period of employment during that season.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is eligible for a bonus under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965?

Employees who have worked for at least 30 days in an accounting year and earn a monthly salary of INR 21,000 or less are eligible for a bonus.

2. How is the bonus calculated if an employee has not worked for the entire year?

The bonus is calculated on a pro-rata basis for employees who have not worked the entire year. The amount is based on the number of days the employee has worked during the accounting year.

3. What is the minimum and maximum bonus an employee can receive?

The minimum bonus is 8.33% of the salary or wage earned during the accounting year or INR 100, whichever is higher. The maximum bonus is 20% of the salary or wage earned during the accounting year.

4. Can an employee appeal if their bonus is denied or incorrectly calculated?

Yes, employees can appeal to the prescribed authority under the Act. They may also seek legal recourse through the labour court if they believe their bonus has been unfairly denied or incorrectly calculated.

5. How is the profitability of an establishment determined for bonus calculation?

The profitability is determined based on the allocable surplus, which is calculated as per the guidelines provided in the Act. This surplus is derived from the gross profit of the establishment after making allowable deductions.

6. Is the bonus taxable?

Yes, the bonus received by an employee is considered part of their income and is subject to income tax as per the applicable tax laws.

7. What records must employers maintain under the Odisha Payment of Bonus Rules?

Employers must maintain the following records:

  • Register of Allocable Surplus (Form B)
  • Register of Set-off and Set-on (Form C)
  • Register of Bonus (Form D)
  • Bonus Payment Receipts (Form E)
    These records must be kept up-to-date and produced during inspections by authorities.

8. Are bonuses applicable to contractual employees?

Yes, contractual employees are entitled to bonuses if they meet the eligibility criteria of working for at least 30 days in the accounting year and earning a salary of INR 21,000 or less per month.

9. Can an employer withhold a bonus for disciplinary reasons?

An employer cannot withhold a statutory bonus for disciplinary reasons unless it falls within the permissible deductions outlined in the Act, such as misconduct leading to financial loss for the establishment.

10. What happens if an employer fails to pay the bonus?

If an employer fails to pay the bonus, they may be subject to penalties, including fines and imprisonment. Employees can file a complaint with the prescribed authority or seek legal action through the labour court.

11. How often should bonuses be paid?

Bonuses should be paid annually within eight months from the close of the accounting year. Delays in payment can result in penalties for the employer.

12. What is the role of inspectors under the Odisha Payment of Bonus Rules?

Inspectors appointed by the state government ensure compliance with the Act and the Odisha Rules. They conduct inspections, review records, and investigate complaints regarding bonus payments.

13. How does an employer determine the allocable surplus?

The allocable surplus is calculated from the gross profit of the establishment

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